4579050 |
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2022-05-27 13:23:07 |
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WebCapture - https://www.ppomppu.co.kr/zboard/view.php?id=humor&no=512956 |
-260.00 |
4629302 |
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2024-08-07 21:34:09 |
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WebCapture - https://www.ppomppu.co.kr/zboard/view.php?id=freeboard&page=1&divpage=1661&no=8909088 |
-3300.00 |
4578721 |
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2022-05-23 10:31:15 |
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WebCapture - https://www.onlineocr.net/ |
-80.00 |
4582887 |
ON |
2022-07-13 12:05:25 |
-20.00 |
WebCapture - https://www.naver.com |
-620.00 |
4631084 |
ON |
2024-09-21 00:03:15 |
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WebCapture - https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/2022.3/finding-and-replacing-text-in-project.html?reference.dialogs.findinpath= |
-3600.00 |
4600742 |
ON |
2023-03-02 23:22:06 |
-20.00 |
WebCapture - https://www.instagram.com/leehae0/ |
-1880.00 |
4607873 |
ON |
2023-06-28 16:03:25 |
-20.00 |
WebCapture - https://www.ilovepdf.com/ |
-2180.00 |
4635322 |
ON |
2024-12-31 17:20:57 |
-20.00 |
WebCapture - https://www.hani.co.kr/arti/society/society_general/1175684.html |
-3820.00 |
4583621 |
ON |
2022-07-22 13:30:59 |
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WebCapture - https://www.hanatour.com/trp/pkg/CHPC0PKG0100M200?cntryCd=TR&utm_campaign=hnt_LNB_pc&utm_source=EUA&utm_medium=TR |
-720.00 |
4602991 |
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2023-04-05 20:34:44 |
-20.00 |
WebCapture - https://www.google.com/search?q=siro-1234+site%3Aavdbs.com&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 |
-2100.00 |
4602990 |
ON |
2023-04-05 20:34:32 |
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WebCapture - https://www.google.com/search?q=ipx-123+site%3Aavdbs.com&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 |
-2080.00 |
4602989 |
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2023-04-05 20:32:35 |
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WebCapture - https://www.google.com/search?q=abp-123+site%3Aavdbs.com&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 |
-2060.00 |
4624425 |
ON |
2024-04-22 01:52:46 |
-20.00 |
WebCapture - https://www.google.com/search?q=%EC%9B%B9%EC%BA%A1%EC%B2%98+PlatyHouseky8Mw1SZ |
-2860.00 |
4624414 |
ON |
2024-04-22 01:51:13 |
-20.00 |
WebCapture - https://www.google.com/search?q=%EC%9B%B9%EC%BA%A1%EC%B2%98+PlatyHouse4EeLWGb6 |
-2660.00 |
4624429 |
ON |
2024-04-22 01:53:14 |
-20.00 |
WebCapture - https://www.google.com/search?q=%EC%9B%B9%EC%BA%A1%EC%B2%98+PlatyHouse" AND 2*3*8=6*8 AND "W1Vt"="W1Vt |
-2920.00 |